Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Neighborhood Councils and Developers: Land Use Frienemies?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Neighborhood Councils were built into the City Charter in 1999 to give neighborhoods a voice in City decisions. Land use decisions are often among the most contentious. While N.C.s have no decision-making power, their advice often carries weight with City officials. They are players to be reckoned with and very often a wild card for developers.

Despite the frustrations between developers and N.C.s, the councils will be a part of the land use discussion moving forward. So how can developers and others involved in land use best engage with neighborhood councils, and vice versa, to create and protect great neighborhoods?
Please join our breakfast panel on September 19th, 2014 in order to learn more about this interesting dynamic.

Kristen Montet Lonner - Principal, Burns & Bouchard

Kerry Cavanaugh - Editorial Writer, Los Angeles Times
Ken Kahan - Principal, California Landmark
Linda Lucks - Immediate Past President, Venice Neighborhood Council; Past President, Los Angeles Board of Neighborhood Commissioners