Friday, October 15, 2010
Autos and clearly, auto dealerships, represent a land use pattern that cannot be ignored. And considering that over 2,000 dealerships have closed around the country putting close to 70 million square feet of real estate back on the market, what can we do now with these valuable pieces of real estate? Cities, which in years past profited from sales tax revenue, are now forced to address more flexible land use patterns when dealerships are shuttered and rezoning is required. But how does a city make up for this lost revenue and will the community accept a new neighbor? And what of the auto industry -- will it recover to past levels and will they forever need acres and acres of asphalt in commercial zones to sell cars? Who exactly is making money on repurposing closed auto dealerships and can we make it happen here on the Westside?
Join the Westside Urban Forum and our panel representing a former city official, the director of the auto division of the country's largest real estae services firm and a Westside auto dealer as we explore the multitude of issues surrounding the land use patterns of auto dealerships in the auto-dominated Los Angeles.
Terry O'Day, City of Santa Monica Councilmember & Executive Director of Environment Now
Geoff Emery, Owner/General Manager, Beverly Hills Porsche
Bill Fulton, City of Ventura, Mayor and Senior Scholar at the School of Public Policy, Planning & Development at University of Southern California
Anne McIntosh, City of West Hollywood, Deputy City Manager/Community Development Director