Fri Oct 17, 2003
L.A. and statewide voters have generously approved and paid for billions in bonds over recent years. What does the L.A. region have to show for it? Join our provocative October panel in exploring bond and infrastructure programs in the region and the state: How much money really is out there for schools, parks, housing, transit and other critical infrastructure needs? Is anyone connecting the dots to make sure the countless projects spread among innumerable agencies reflect a broad vision and produce lasting value in our region and communities? Where is the money really going? Where should it be going? How can future bond programs be shaped to help encourage vision, integrity and value? Where have our most instructive failures been? And where are the examples of success that we can build on and celebrate?
The Honorable Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles City Councilmember, District Thirteen
Julie Bornstein, Director, Keston Infrastructure Institute at the University of Southern California Lusk Center for Real Estate
Madelyn Glickfeld, Assistant Secretary for the California Legacy Project, California State Resources Agency
Molly Munger, Co-Director, The Advancement Project