Fri Mar 18, 2005
L.A. City voters last
November overwhelmingly approved a $500 million infrastructure bond targeted
for storm water management projects. Yet the ballot title ? ?Proposition O for
Clean Beaches? ? belies the complexity of the urban watershed and gave voters
no clear idea of what Prop. O will mean to the shape of our city and its
environment. Join the Westside Urban Forum as we begin to address tough
questions like:
- What
will this infrastructure look like, where will it go, and who gets to
- How
can these funds be allocated equitably to all parts of the City?
- How
will ?hard? projects like storm drain filters fare against ?soft? measures
like green buffer strips near roadways?
How do we achieve the goal of combining water quality, recreation, and open space in a densely built urban context?
Mary Nichols , Director UCLA Institute of the Environment / Head of Citizens Committee for Proposition O
Shahram Kharagahni, PE, Watershed Protection Division Manager, City of Los Angeles
Claire Robinson, Architect, Executive Director Amigos de los Rios
Craig Perkins, Director Environmental and Public Works Management Department City of Santa Monica, Member Proposition O Oversight Committee.
Walker Wells, AICP, Sustainable Cities Program Director, Global Green USA
Lecturer Green Urbanism, Southern California Institute of Architecture