Monday, August 3, 2015

Reinventing Los Angeles: The Good Life In Search of Place

Fri May 16, 2003

Is our individual search for the "good life", in fact, destroying it for us all? Importantly, how and where will he "good life" be realized in Los Angeles?

Our region is experiencing external forces of growth and demographic change that are dramatically affecting the numbers of us who do and will want to live in the urban areas of Los Angeles County. However, these external forces are beginning to overwhelm the land use patterns of many well-established cities, including those on the Westside.

In the face of these forces of change, the way we think about development remains, for the most part, the same: Developers think "project"; planning staff thinks "rules"; architects think "portfolio"; redevelopment staff thinks "deal"; politicians think "next election"; residents think "traffic". WHO IS THINKING "CITY-BUILDING"?

It may be that our cities are becoming the sum of the many "bargained agreements" that we strike rather than as the result of a proactive public agenda toward a desired future. To grow "smarter," the development community, city hall and community stakeholders will need to embrace "smarter" ways of growing cities.

Learn how experienced development practitioners, politicians, cities and visionaries have successfully implemented developments for a 21st century Los Angeles. The mayors of the Westside cities have been invited to participate as special respondents.

Panel Members

Marsha Rood, Urban Reinventions ? Moderator and Panel Member

Dowell Myers, Director, Masters of Planning Program at USC

David Malmuth, Managing Director, Robert Charles Lesser & Co.
Michael Dieden, Principal, Creative Housing Associates

Katherine Perez, Executive Director, Southern California Transportation and Land Use Coalition