Monday, August 3, 2015
Removing Constraints on For Sale Housing Production: Is SB 800 the Answer?
Fri Jan 17, 2003
For Sale Attached Housing in jeopardy. Insurance rates are atmospheric. Policies are out of reach for residential condominiums in California. Construction defect litigation is a cottage industry. Developers and projects are on the sidelines because of liability concerns and a lack of affordable insurance. What are the social costs? What, if any, tort reform is needed? Does SB 800 change things? Assess with us?
Randy Johnson
Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer
Playa Capital Company, LLC
Leslie Curry
Executive Vice President/Director of Insurance Operations
AON Risk Services, Inc. of Southern California
Dale Goldsmith
Greenberg, Glusker, Fields, Claman, Machtinger & Kinsella LLP