Earlier this year, news was rife with reports about Stimulus. Tarp Funds. ARRA Dollars. NSP. Shovel Ready Projects. All these phrases were the lead on most nightly broadcasts about how our Country at a national, state and local level would find its way out of this economic decline. But with larger policy issues and debates taking the main stage, and news shifting to the (as yet to be confirmed) rebound – whatever happened to the stimulus dollars meant for L.A.? Where are the projects that can, will or should benefit? What’s the rollout? And what are the vocal developers, architects, and land planners of Los Angeles missing out on in this process?
L.A. County and how ARRA funds might make them a reality. And listen to a success story of how an entity can be creative and forwarding thinking in getting traction with the use of stimulus dollars.
Ellen Sandt, Deputy CEO, County of Los Angeles
Doug Swoger, Director of Homeownership & Preservation, City of L.A. Housing Dept.
Omar Brownson, Associate Principal, Seslia & Company
Wendy Greuel, Controller, City of Los Angeles