Monday, August 3, 2015

Contrasts in Place-Making

Fri Sep 24, 2004

Why are so-called civic spaces such as Pershing Square, the Beverly Hills Civic Center, and front lawn of Santa Monica City Hall so scarcely used (other than perhaps by the homeless), while political demonstrations are held on a sidewalk at Wilshire and Veteran, and The Grove, CityWalk and Broadway are always teeming with crowds? Is it possible to have public space that is other than entirely bound up with shopping or entertainment as its drawing power? This event will look at why publicly-produced open space seems so often unused or underused, while developer-produced public space that, while often heavily trafficked, still doesn't feel "fully" public. Please join us as Jerde Partnership Design Principal Tim Magill and community-based landscape designer Walter Hood to discuss whether public spaces today can be more robust, or if public life on the Westside is destined to be of a single-use/user orientation.

Tim Magill
Senior VP and Design Principal, 
The Jerde Partnership

Walter Hood
Former Chair of Landscape Architecture, UC Berkeley
Principal, Hood Design

Jim Favaro
Principal, MDA Johnson-Favaro