Monday, August 3, 2015

Latino New Urbanism 2004 Dialogue Series

Fri Feb 20, 2004

Presented by:
The Transportation & Land Use Collaborative [] &
Forest City []

This half-day conference will focus on the needs and opportunities specific to Latino transportation and mobility patterns. A distinguished panel of transportation and planning experts will discuss: transit- oriented development, alternatives to auto-oriented design, and the true cost of certain modes of transportation to communities.

Moderators & Panelists
Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris of UCLA and G.B. Arrington of Parsons Brinkerhoff will be moderating the Dialogue. Panelists include Nick Patsaouras, Polis Builders and Ernesto Vasquez of MVL & Partners, Inc.

Join us early for a Book Signing!
Editor Gloria Ohland will be on hand to sign her new book The New Transit Town [] before the program begins.