Monday, August 3, 2015

Shaping the Future Westside - Boulevards As The Backbone

Fri Feb 13, 2004

Join the Westside Urban Forum as we kick-off the Building a Legacy series for 2004 with an exploration of the treasures hidden in Westside boulevards.

- Affordable Housing
- Public Space
- Mixed Use Development
- High-Density Infill
- Transit-Oriented Development

Do the Boulevards hold the key?

Wilshire, Pico, Venice, Washington, Lincoln ? Westside boulevards are perhaps the greatest untapped opportunity for progressive development and urban revitalization. Proposals are quickly emerging to recast these boulevards as a dense concoction of housing, retail, public services, and transit ? dramatically changing the form and function of the Westside. How do we make the most of this emerging city building opportunity?

Doug Suisman, Suisman Urban Design

J. J. Abraham, Legacy Partners
Darrell Clark, Chair - Santa Monica Planning Commission, Co-Chair - Friends 4 Expo Transit
Dale J. Goldsmith, Esq., Greenberg Glusker