Monday, August 3, 2015

No Longer Strange Bedfellows: Communities and Developers Partner for Smart Growth

Fri Nov 15, 2002

For years, L.A. has been shaped by often-win-lose battles between developers and communities. Visionary plans have been thwarted, good developments stopped, community interests misunderstood and neighborhoods damaged by inappropriate projects that have made it through anyway.

But enlightened community leaders and smarter developers are changing that paradigm in some neighborhoods around Los Angeles.

The panelists at our November WUF meeting are experts at bringing communities and developers together to realize smart growth projects which satisfy diverse stakeholders. Join the discussion on evolving the new paradigm for building alliances between community advocates and the ?new urbanists.?

Renee Schillaci
Planning Deputy, Office of Councilman Jack Weiss

Wally N. Marks III
President, Walter N. Marks III Realty Company

Tony Lucente
President, Studio City Residents Association
City of Los Angeles, Board of Neighborhood Commissioners

Julie Gertler
Founder and President, Consensus Planning Group