Monday, August 3, 2015
Urban Infill: What Does it Really Take?
Fri Oct 18, 2002
If urban infill development is such a good idea, why don?t we see more of it?
Perhaps not enough banks know how to finance it, planning policies frequently don?t support it, and many developers haven?t figured out how to put the pieces together.
But the panelists at our October WUF meeting have succeeded where others are only taking their first steps. Join the conversation on the stark realities of urban infill, and learn how these leaders have not only created the product so many of us are talking about, but have turned a profit in the process.
David Gold, Principal
William E. Simon & Sons Realty
John Given, Senior Vice President, Development
CIM Group
Debbie Beveridge, First Vice President
East West Bank
Cathy Creswell, Deputy Director
State of California, Dept. of Housing & Community Development
Mott Smith, Executive Director
New Schools: Better Neighborhoods If urban infill development is such a good idea, why don’t we see more of it?