Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Not Your Parents' Retail: How is Retail Property Evolving in Southern California to Deal with the Threat of On-line Retailing and to Create a Memorable Experience for the Modern Consumer?

Friday, December 14, 2012

With the growth of on-line retailing and the changing tastes of shoppers, trends in retail property are constantly evolving.

How does place-making play a role in creating an attractive environment for today's retail customer? How is the continued growth of on-line sales affecting leasing and development strategies for landlords and how are business models changing for retailers to deal with this trend? How are forward-looking city governments evolving their mixed-use strategies and their requirements for ground-floor retail as part of the process of creating better urban environments? How are retailers evaluating the opportunities to lease space in urban infill locations for today and the future of their businesses?

Join us to listen to our panel speak about these topics and more.

Shaheen Sadeghi- Founder and President, Lab Holding, LLC
Jeff Kreshek- Vice President, West Coast Leasing, Federal Realty Investment Trust
Rick Cole- Former City Manager, City of Ventura and current Parish Administrator of the San Buenaventura Mission

Neal Payton- AIA, LEED-AP, Principal, Torti Gallas and Partners, Inc.