Friday, November 16, 2012
With some neighborhoods having less than 1 square foot of park per person, we all know that we need more green space in the city. With the region already built out many Angelenos have unconsciously accepted that this reality can only be improved on the margins as the city continues to increase density.
Unbeknownst to many, however, Public, Private and Non-Profit models are emerging with the potential to dramatically green our urban districts. Hollywood's central park plan would essentially create 44 acres of space in that densely populated neighborhood by capping the 101 Freeway. In 10 years, the LA Neighborhood Land Trust has built 9 parks in urban Los Angeles. Richard Loring partnered with the City of West Hollywood to build pocket parks in conjunction with two new residential projects. The LA River Corp is moving ahead with park oriented development around a soon to be transformed River.
Join us to find out what is working, what will pencil, and what still needs to be figured out.
Learn how you can adapt your business to create the lush city you want to live in and how your business can thrive as a result of a park-rich city.
Alina Bokde- LA Neighborhood Land Trust
Laurie Goldman- Friends of Hollywood Central Park
Richard Loring- AIA-American Institute of Architects, Fortis 17 CRM Corporation
Omar Brownson- LA River Revitalization Corporation
Steve Soboroff- Soboroff Partners