Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Stimulated? Shovel Ready Projects Explained

Friday, December 17, 2010

With proposals for new stimulus funds in next year's federal budget, the Westside Urban Forum takes a closer look at the real impact of stimulus package projects in the Los Angeles region. Is it too late to access money? How much was Los Angeles awarded? What types of projects were funded? Have there been any measurable improvements on our unemployment rate or any other economic indicators? Are we still waiting for funds to wind their way to us through bureaucratic hoops? How much of this money was available to the private sector?

$814 billion dollars in economic stimulus dollars were distributed to states, local municipalities, and agencies. The State of California alone was awarded $42B to fund projects as wide ranging as education, housing, transportation, water and energy. Locally, cities, non-profits, and other agencies competed for these dollars for specific transportation, infrastructure, housing, or education projects and programs. Plenty of colorful maps and charts on government websites show where all the money went. But what did it really DO?

Join the Westside Urban Forum on Friday, December 17th at 7:00am to find out where all the stimulus dollars went and are going!

Doug Failing, Executive Director, Highway Programs, METRO
Honorable Wendy Greuel, City Controller, City of Los Angeles
Stephanie G. Negriff, Director of Transit Services, Santa Monica Big Blue Bus

Steve Hymon, Editor, Metro's The Source