Monday, August 3, 2015

The Future of West L.A.'s Veterans Affairs Complex - Now What?

Fri Oct 21, 2005

The 400-acre Veterans Administration site located in West Los Angeles is arguably the last great piece of real estate in Los Angeles. Obviously an asset of extraordinary value, the property is also exceedingly complex---blessed with national historic status, yet burdened by decades of neglect ... valued as scarce open space, yet deeded originally exclusively to serve the needs of disabled veterans.

After a failed attempt at master planning four years ago, resulting in significant controversy over commercial development, the VA embarked last fall on a new master planning process. In September the VA consultant team delivered their list of development options, including parkland, a mixed-use residential development, and new housing and medical services for veterans. Local residents, military veterans, and government officials were among those who spoke out during two lengthy public meetings, and now the Local Advisory Panel has issued its recommendations on how to develop the property to the Secretary of Veteran?s Affairs. At the same time, the General Services Administration has proposed a new 1 million square foot replacement FBI facility adjoining the Federal Building at Wilshire and Veteran. How will these two potential major projects relate? And how will this all impact the Westside?

Join the Westside Urban Forum and our distinguished group of panelists, including local political leaders and community members as they discuss and debate and seek your input on the next steps for this coveted site.

Zev Yaroslavsky, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Third District
Lisa Pinto, District Director to Congressman Henry Waxman, U.S. House of Representatives, 29th District
Flora Gil Krisiloff, President of the Brentwood Community Council and member of the VA Local Advisory Panel
Keith Jeffreys, Vice President, Citizens For Veterans Rights