Monday, August 3, 2015

Westside Urban Forum: Westside Prize 2005

Fri Sep 9, 2005

The WESTSIDE URBAN FORUM's annual WESTSIDE PRIZE event honors distinguished organizations and individuals for their contributions to making Los Angeles and the Westside more livable, sustainable and exceptional.

This year we honor the Westside Council of Governments and Friends 4 Expo with THE WESTSIDE PRIZE. In the face of formidable odds, these organizations? combined efforts have taken rail transit on the Westside from concept to impending reality. We honor them for planting the seed and making it grow in the spirit of collaboration.

In addition, the WESTSIDE URBAN FORUM proudly presents the WESTSIDE LEGACY AWARD to the City of West Hollywood for providing an inspiring example to all communities who turn an eye to their futures. This City is a shining example of what is achieved when compelling vision and focused leadership combine with creativity and regional collaboration to realize a uniquely livable community.

Please join us at our annual signature event to celebrate these outstanding Westside successes!