Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Put down that pro forma. Wrap up that RFP. Lay off the lawsuit... It's WUFfies Time!

Each year since the dawn of time, the Westside Urban Forum has searched high and low for the gems that make development, design, and land use in Los Angeles so fascinating. That's right: the mistakes, gaffes, insults, and eyesores without which we would all perish of frustration while waiting for our building permits.

We regret that we are canceling this year's event for lack of material.
Everything in Los Angeles went perfectly this year.

As if.

That hideous new strip mall down the street? We're on it.
The kook at your public meeting? We know who he is.
The football stadium, light rail junction, and CEQA-thwarting bike lane?
Hipsters??? We've got it covered.

Please join the Westside Urban Forum as we turn land use on its head up on the roof at TENTEN Wilshire. You'll almost be able to see Beverly Hills High School from there (if it Metro hasn't destroyed it by then).

We'll roast the most roast-able and rib the most ribbable in LA's planning, development, and design community. As long as you're not going to get an award, you're going to want to be there. And if you think you might be getting an award, then you're definitely going to want to be there.

Special guests & MC! PBRs! Food! Heat lamps! Revelry with all the folks who make LA great!