Friday, October 19, 2012
In 2008, Los Angeles County voters passed Measure R increasing sales tax by a half-cent to fund transportation. Over 30 years, Measure R promises to pay for a variety of new bus, rail, and highway projects, fund bus and rail operations, and provide money to cities for local transportation needs.
Now, four years later, many of the original Measure R proponents have placed Measure J on the November ballot. Measure J asks voters to extend the expiration date of Measure R for an additional 30 years.
Supporters claim this will allow Los Angeles County to accelerate many of the original projects as well as provide additional funding for transit operations and local transportation needs. In addition, supporters argue Measure J will create jobs and help the economy while taking advantage of historically low financing costs.
Others say Measure J is the wrong move, arguing that it's too soon to ask voters for additional funding and first, Metro needs to prove it can deliver on the original Measure R promises. Others oppose Measure J because of aspects they see as flawed in the original Measure R.
Join the Westside Urban Forum on October 19th to hear both sides of this important issue.
David Abel- Publisher of the Planning Report, Metro Investment Report, and VerdeXchange News, Abel & Associates
Denny Zane- Executive Director, Move LA
Dan Rosenfeld- Senior Deputy, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas
Hon. Mike Feuer- Member, California State Assembly